Vision and Mission of AEDI
- To create a higher level of synergy among Centres/Institutes and enhance inter-centre and inter-disciplinary collaboration as well as facilitate one-stop coherent collaboration with external agencies;
- To serve as a hub of educational development and innovation under EdUHK in the contexts of Hong Kong, Greater Bay Areas and beyond; and
- To generate income, attract donations, enhance EdUHK’s image and create social impact for educational and related communities.
Major Works
- To bid for tenders, consultancy projects and undertake externally funded projects;
- To work with internal units including but not limited to Faculties and external bodies to operate self-financing programmes and activities;
- To serve as a central platform for interested colleagues to engage in self-financing activities under a second contract or special approval arrangement;
- To strengthen the partnership and networks with the schools, other universities, government, industry, and related sectors; and
- To empower kindergartens and schools to become future-oriented organisations building upon their traditional strengths to better serve the students of today and tomorrow.
- To reinforce government policy and support teaching and learning of schools to continuously nurture educators and social leaders.
- To seek donations for various purposes e.g. professorship endowment and professor emeritus as well as sponsorship of PhD studentship.